2 11, 2020

Covid19 safety measures in practice update

By |2020-11-02T18:57:34+00:00November 2nd, 2020|Covid19 Coronavirus|

Following the latest Government announcement on 04/01/21, we will remain open to provide eyecare for patients. Please call the practice to discuss your visual requirements so that emergency and essential eyecare can be prioritised. Please check our opening hours as [...]

12 10, 2020

Eye spots, floaters and flashes

By |2020-10-12T09:35:12+01:00October 12th, 2020|flashes and floaters|

Vitreous detachment and floaters within the eye Eye floaters are those tiny spots, specks, flecks and "cobwebs" that drift aimlessly around in your field of vision. While annoying, ordinary eye floaters and spots are very common and usually [...]

6 07, 2020

How Does the Eye Work?

By |2020-07-06T09:44:10+01:00July 6th, 2020|anatomy, Health|

The human eye is a wonder of engineering. It consists of many different parts that work together to provide visual information to the brain, which then translates it into information that is useful to the body. Parts of the eye [...]

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